For the rest of us to get before Him! The next few years, the world will be turned under,
by the control and full spectrum dominance of the ‘Corporate world.’
Contrived shortages of:
(Codex alimentarius manipulation)
(Deliberate ongoing pollution)
(Hindered furtherance of any alternatives)
All of these will occur for the sole purposes of corporate monetary gain!
The souls of men shall become a commodity to be controlled bought sold and traded!
This will be the norm, in the just a few years to come, but the most odious of these controls, is the reinforcement within the mentality of the peoples of America, that these controls are irrefutable and futile to resist because of the fear imposed on them, by the controllers of the modern terror, this fear is to conform peoples into ‘mere spectators’ viewing of the rest of the world, as ‘base primal entertainment.’
As America is fully engrossed and entertained by the wonders of the rest of the worlds’ conflicts, the American peoples worse fears are then realized (freedom is unilaterally stripped from them.) As they all were told to ‘go shopping,’ to act as if the murder of over three thousand people was just a scripted play for their amusement.
And so they all did! Go shopping as good little sheep, they go on daily listening to their ipods, radio and driving their low mpg cars (which gives their controllers even more power over them, by the means of their own ignorant actions,) so they sit and watch their soap operas on their cable and satellite TV’s as if it were just another glorious day in America.
These conformed sheep are so eagerly given over to the luxuries of American life, in exchange for their unquestioning homage and obedience to ‘the world corporation.’ These sheep are in fact ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’ willing to turn on those of us who expose the truth, of their controllers, and they are so willing to fight against the exposition of the manipulations of the worlds’ resources, and thereby its populations.
That they will cause many to be killed or imprisoned thinking they do a good service to humanity by getting them out of the way. Thereby allowing more of the stockpiling and hording the worlds’ resources into American coffers. Calling those who dare note the inconsistencies of the ‘official story’ conspiracy ‘nuts.’ When they themselves contrive theories, and dole them for common consumption, to cover their covert activities upon the worlds’ peoples.
Also, as a result of any civil dissent, would be the immediate removal of all freedoms, security, and also including but not limited to the discontinuation of monetary transfers or implementation to the dissenting individuals or groups. For all intensive purposes ‘they will starve out those who have the courage to stand against the ‘official story.’…This is only the beginning of an awakening!
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