"For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God." "Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints" "Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,"
December 21, 2006
As The Lord waits!
by the control and full spectrum dominance of the ‘Corporate world.’
Contrived shortages of:
(Codex alimentarius manipulation)
(Deliberate ongoing pollution)
(Hindered furtherance of any alternatives)
All of these will occur for the sole purposes of corporate monetary gain!
The souls of men shall become a commodity to be controlled bought sold and traded!
This will be the norm, in the just a few years to come, but the most odious of these controls, is the reinforcement within the mentality of the peoples of America, that these controls are irrefutable and futile to resist because of the fear imposed on them, by the controllers of the modern terror, this fear is to conform peoples into ‘mere spectators’ viewing of the rest of the world, as ‘base primal entertainment.’
As America is fully engrossed and entertained by the wonders of the rest of the worlds’ conflicts, the American peoples worse fears are then realized (freedom is unilaterally stripped from them.) As they all were told to ‘go shopping,’ to act as if the murder of over three thousand people was just a scripted play for their amusement.
And so they all did! Go shopping as good little sheep, they go on daily listening to their ipods, radio and driving their low mpg cars (which gives their controllers even more power over them, by the means of their own ignorant actions,) so they sit and watch their soap operas on their cable and satellite TV’s as if it were just another glorious day in America.
These conformed sheep are so eagerly given over to the luxuries of American life, in exchange for their unquestioning homage and obedience to ‘the world corporation.’ These sheep are in fact ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’ willing to turn on those of us who expose the truth, of their controllers, and they are so willing to fight against the exposition of the manipulations of the worlds’ resources, and thereby its populations.
That they will cause many to be killed or imprisoned thinking they do a good service to humanity by getting them out of the way. Thereby allowing more of the stockpiling and hording the worlds’ resources into American coffers. Calling those who dare note the inconsistencies of the ‘official story’ conspiracy ‘nuts.’ When they themselves contrive theories, and dole them for common consumption, to cover their covert activities upon the worlds’ peoples.
Also, as a result of any civil dissent, would be the immediate removal of all freedoms, security, and also including but not limited to the discontinuation of monetary transfers or implementation to the dissenting individuals or groups. For all intensive purposes ‘they will starve out those who have the courage to stand against the ‘official story.’…This is only the beginning of an awakening!
November 13, 2006
An epiphany
I have had an epiphany! It has been such a gut wrenching process, that I found myself losing all interest in all of the former political forums, periodicals and blogs, and appetites that I frequented and also with the friends whom I have had common beliefs with, is now shelved. Never believing that I would ever form an independent thought which was contrary to the lock-step hard line of the conservative republican /democratic pendants.
Being affiliated in mind and belief with the most popular mainstream programming, as by radio, television that have groomed their talking heads to espouse their pre-approved pre-packaged image of freedom, and not the real gift of freedom given from God. Slowly conforming the masses into a shivering waft of our former selves, believing the spoon-fed regiment of snippets, blurbs, and sound bites.
Whereas the relevant issues are glossed over by the mainstream, crowded out by fluff and superfluous attention to fashion, consumerism, racisms, hate, and greed resulting in the assistance the furtherance of a covert clandestine accord by the elite power structure within the world who are linked by the desire to control the world’s people under a tyrannical pursuit of base elemental human rule and dominance of those whom have been enslaved by the construct of those who are the formers of the collective consciousness.
The manipulation of the mind through the conditionings and the stimulation of the senses at the most base level, the arousal of underlying primal fear within the human mind through theatrical embellishments of the conditions of the world around us when it is by this methodologies the consequences of these falsehood are made reality. By giving the peoples a sense of urgency in these falsehoods they run to those whom claim to hold remedy for the worlds ills.
And, if they are willing to follow the prescribed path to self-hollowness, has the trainer snaps its whip corralling the masses into the belief that they will be saved from the horrors of the human animal which is they whom have inflicted the ills upon ourselves, in the first place. The cognitive abilities of the individual being quashed because of the fear of the intuitive awareness of an awakening of the innermost man whom they fear, and whom no one can deceive.
And through this continuance, is the retardation of the transformation of Mankind itself. And if these impressions are the reality of the matter, then what shall we do when we see that it is we ourselves who are the ‘they’ whom have caused theses things to come forth within our pursuit of our own illusionary and security?
What shall you do?
Reverend Joseph G. Steadman
June 18, 2006
June 11, 2006
AREE - The Lion King of the tribe of Judah
AREE - the Lion - East
I am eternal, king of the tribe Judah, of heavenly origin; I am many names and faces; I am Aree, Shore, Adom, and Na’sher. I am four, and we four are ‘One’. I am super-dimensional; I seek within this earthly realm, west, east, north, south to and fro, throughout time and space, for those souls whom have taken into themselves the“rejected ones”. They are ancient ones of hued in nature. Adherent to those which they were told are “forbidden.” my calling, to bring to origin those who have swayed them from their first estate.
Greed, Murder, Pride, Rage
This is a true account of those encounters,
Subject: C.B. Andrews of the east, an heir to old money and power, a tyrant following after his father’s footsteps (who passed, despite our intervention and accountability before his soul.) Evidence leading to Mr. Andrews was prompted by an overwhelming preponderance of reoccurring events leading to the near lost of a life by his hand, ‘in the pursuit of mammon and power’. Just prior to the commission of the murder, the subject was intercepted fully engulfed, and fully focused in the pride of self-absorption in the acquisition of another man’s life’s work.
In route to the intended victim’s home, an accident was set in motion, (I appeared in the middle of the road) thereby deflecting his murderous plan. Due to the depth of the subject’s experience in *‘the knowledge’ his was deemed a most vital candidate for intervention. Greed and Rage had finally matured into Murder within the subject. The encounter; began to unfold as the subject’s vehicle came to rest in a drainage ditch, after rolling over, it knocking the subject unconscious, as the car began to fill with water he immediately awoke, as a result the subject, was dazed, and in darkness, he was subsequently made aware of, and confronted by the presence of the entities which drove him to this murder.
The fear of drowning gripping the subject, he began to rage against his circumstances. Struggling to free himself from the wreckage, but without success he began to curse and blaspheme, but there was no one to hear on that bleak stretch of road, then after realizing he was not going to get out of this alone, he began to reflect on the pursuits of his life, and how greed and the ever-ending pursuit of position, power and wealth had totally consumed him. But, each time his soul began to feel, he would shove it back down deeper within his scared psyche. He began to be greatly enraged over the fact he was unable to complete his plan, to absorb his victim’s wealth. He thought of using the gun on himself, because he knew that if he did not get out of there, all the proof of his plan would be discovered.
And he would spend the rest of his life in prison. As the car filled, he resolved to shoot himself. He cocked the gun, and as he pointed it at his head, that instant I appeared! (In my true form,) Upon the hood of his car, he began to scream ‘what the hell are you?’ his mind raced knowing there were no lions roaming free in this country, the spirit of rage began to manifest, and it spoke: ‘what the hell do you what from us’? He shot me, the bullet passed through me; over and over again he fired, hitting his mark, until the gun was spent. As the gaze of my fiery eyes pierced him to his core, the spirits screamed again ‘What the HELL! Are you, what do you what from me? The spirit raged again and again.
As I revealed the spirit to his now bare soul, deeper and deeper still he began to see, and understand the waste that was his life. And that it all meant nothing in the scope of the eternal. But, the fight was not yet over, not by a long shot, (if to excuse term,) these spirits where at home, and they were not going to go easily, a home which had been groomed and conditioned over the years, which was dull and hollow, ripe for more entities to take up residence within him. The brilliants of my form cause the spirits to wrench with pain, distorting the face of the man. He began to vomit violently, all over himself, as the spirit bartered with me for his soul. ‘Let us keep him!’
I step even closer to him, he screamed in searing pain. Go! Leave! Let us die alone! I stretch forth one of my wings to reveal even more glory, unto the spirit of rage, and pride spoke through, and laughed ‘you can’t have him, he’s ours’ I stretched forth another of my wings, and a great whaling came from the depths of the man, vomiting again from the darkness of the man, because of the overwhelming power of the encounter. I put forth my hands from under my wings and called the spirits to come forth, ‘Come forth and hold your peace’. With a great blast of my heart, the spirits released him.
He began for the first time in his life to pray, and asking God for another chance to make all the things right with all those whom he had wronged. Weeping and crying and still groggy from the influence of the ordeal, he finally climbed out the shattered windshield; he threw the gun in the water and swam for the bank, his wounds where mysteriously healed he began to walk back up the road, back the way in which he came. He turned to see as the car sunk below the surface, knowing that a miracle had just occurred, he took a deep breathe, and knew that he was not the same man that was in that car.
He walked for what seemed miles, until he was finally able to hail a cab, and made his way back to his sprawling mansion; he knew he had little time to undo what he had set into motion. And as he finished showering he glanced in the mirror at someone whom he had not seen ever since his father died a bitter empty shell of a man. Now with a strange found strength he dressed and called his driver to meet him at the lobby entrance, to taken him to his office, so to remove all evidence of the wire transfer. As he labor through the rest of the night as the sun broke over the skyline, it finally was done he had returned the stolen moneys to their rightful owner.
And, with no time to spare, as his partner burst through the door with great news of how his stocks have just exploded overnight, he was now a very rich man. And he came in early to thank his partner for this windfall; for it was the tutelage of his partner which made it possible. And he knew it; he thanked him for this great increase. Tears welled up in Mr. Andrews’s eyes as he looked at the man that now thanked him. Is whom, only hours earlier he had planned to murder for that very same windfall. Because of the timely intervention Mr. Andrews, the tide has turned and the now the restoration begins. As the days passed,
Mr. Andrews traveled the world, setting right the wrongs of his underhanded dealings. He will take on a new acquisition, as he shares with those whom he had wronged ‘the tail of the night he planned to kill a man’, and how through a super-natural event, he experienced the unseen guardians of our souls. Giving hope to those whom followed his worldly example of greed, and what the consequences where, if they followed it to the end. Completions of the forthcoming intervention(s) are to be report as that are completed.
SHORE - the Ox West
I am eternal, burden bearer of heavenly origin; I am many names and faces; I am Aree, Shore, Adom, and Na’sher. I am four, and we four are ‘One’. I am super-dimensional; I seek within this earthly realm, west, east, north, south to and fro, throughout time and space, for those souls whom have taken into themselves the “rejected ones”. They are ancient ones of hued in nature. Adherent to those which they were told are “forbidden.” my calling, to bring to origin those who have swayed them from their first estate.
Depression, Obsession, Rejection, Worry
This is a true account of those encounters,
Subject: Mr. F. E. Dourer of the west, a man of limited means, a con, a follower of lest resistance, a coward, a bully, a drug dealer, and a small time pimp and hustler, with a lengthy criminal record. Subject is currently under the control of a local crime boss who has called in his marker on Mr. Dourer if the marker is not paid in twenty-four hours, the subject will be terminated. Subject’s daily activity consists of pick-up and delivery of protection payments from the small market owners, within a given blocks radius of the boss, who in turn gives Mr. Dourer a very small cut.
This is quickly used, for his daily stash, and fix. To keep his dealing business up and running, then to the city to collect from the girls, whom he keeps on a very tight leash, one of whom is his own sister who he’s gotten hooked on drugs, and then prostituted out to those whom he owes. The subject’s emersion in * ‘the knowledge’ has given rise to a chain of events which will lead to not only his own death, but the death of his younger sister as well. Thus he was deemed a most vital candidate for intervention. The subject pulled into a gas station to get his fix in the men’s room as he has done daily for years. But this time, his smack is bad, cut with to much fluff.
It hit him, as he arrived at his sister’s corner of the street. She got in the car, he began to shake uncontrollable from the shot. His sister screams out for help, but no one in that neighborhood would help, knowing whom it was that was in trouble. She crawled over him into the driver’s seat and sped off towards the hospital. His flailing struck her in the face blurring her vision, she careened across the parking lot, and wrecked into the hospital’s mental ward. In a panic she screamed ‘help us’ two orderlies ran out to see what hit the building. The intervention began when they put him and his sister in an empty room, and ran for a doctor on the other side of the hospital.
I manifested to him only (in my true form) as he was unconscious, when he saw me he said laughing ‘what the hell are you suppose to be’ knowing the fragile mental condition of his sister, I could not appear visibly to her, or she would remain within this facility forever with no hope of recovery. As the subject slip further into his drug induced comma, the spirit which drove him into his present state began to speak to me. First Depression’s influence spoke: questioning began the point of this intervention. ‘What’s the point of saving this worthless piece of humanity? ‘It asked?’ I held my peace, and then because of my presence Obsession spoke: asking to go into the sister.
With that request, Rejection wondered aloud; so where will I go then if I am left alone in here? I stepped forward placing my glaze fully into all of them at once, they screeched, and fled deeper into his crowed soul. Retreating from, the glorious precedence of my voice, calling to them from within Mr. Dourer’s soul. Worry spoke only once, begging not to be removed from him, accustoming to his moods, and gave the subject much to ponder over the years. As the effects of the drug began to wear off, and he began to gain consciousness, I spoke to the Mr. Dourer audibly, and asked if he would be free from these things which tormented him?
He whispered ‘yes’ I want to be free from all of this pain. Thinking it was a doctor speaking to him he asked for a shot, his eyes being tightly closed. Then at that point I appeared in full glory for them to see and hear. It was as if the sun itself where in the room in all it’s fullness. The subject’s sister shielded her eyes, and opened her mouth to scream but she could not utter a sound for she was dumb at my presences. Mr. Dourer saw whom it was which spoke unto him, he stood straight away, and drew a knife and stabbed it into my chest through my wings, I did not move, but for my wings fluttering with my words of life which I spoke over his soul, even as he stabbed me.
My hand appear from under my wing and removed the blade from my chest, the gapping wound healed before their eyes as the blade fell to the floor it dissolved, Mr. Dourer laughed out loud with disbelief. I lifted my wings and revealed my hands to him; the spirits within him began again to stir begging to be left alone. I spoke to them ‘you shall be restored unto freedom, and peace, now go!’ Mr. Dourer’s body began to float above the floor, at that moment the orderlies had returned with a doctor, but the door was closed, and could not be opened as long as I was in the room. They pushed with all their might but could not open the door.
They just watched through the window in amassment as they saw Mr. Dourer float in mid air. They could not see my form, they yelled to the sister ‘open the door’ who could only cry and stare at what transpired, believing this was all just some bad trip from the drugs she had done the night before. Mr. Dourer trembled and moaned with great despair, I placed my hands near his chest and spirits came weeping out of him ‘whaling in sorrow’ I spoke unto them ‘Go! To the Father to be set a liberty’ they fled, Mr. Dourer sank down to the floor and stood on his own feet, free and clear of the spirits which consumed his life.
His sister had passed out from the overwhelming glory which filled the room. Mr. Dourer pick up his sister and turned and faced me again and asked if I would help her too? I nodded, and lifted my wings; I shone as the sun! She gasped and then coughed with a long moaning draw; she too, was free from her unseen influence. She looked up at her brother’s face for the first time in years through clear eyes. And saw the man she knew in her youth. I stepped forward toward them both, and walked right through them to fill their empty souls with love, as I stepped through the wall of the room, and disappeared.
The door open of its own accord, the orderlies flooded in as did the doctor, witnessing it all they immediately began to study them, they where protected from those who searched to kill them, within the mental ward of the hospital. During their stay the boss had be convicted for racketeering and murder. The marker was paid in full. After being cared for and fed, Mr. Dourer and his sister when back to the same neighborhood which they were once destroying, and with the help of the doctor which cared for them, and witnessed Mr. Dourer’s intervention, (and a little help from local officials) set up a crisis center for those whom they had once enslaved.
The girls, whom Mr. Dourer had previously pimped, were now clean, and serving the community, by helping the young run-a-ways (which they were once.)
ADOM – the Man South
I am eternal, blood of God, a creature of heavenly origin; the beginning formation of the Supreme, I am many names and faces; I am Aree, Shore, Adom, and Na’sher. I am four, and we four are ‘One’. I am super-dimensional; I seek within this earthly realm, west, east, north, south, to and fro, throughout time and space, for those souls whom have taken into themselves the “rejected ones”. They are ancient ones of hued in nature. Adherent to those which they were told are “forbidden.” my calling, to bring to origin those who have swayed them from their first estate.
Despair, Self-Loathing, Suicide, Worthlessness
This is a true account of those encounters,
Subject: I. H. Galeton of the south, an ailing isolated man, totally self involved in avoidances of reality, devoid of moral constitution toward anyone, including himself. As reinforced, in * ‘the knowledge’ by the possession and acquisition of enormous wealth, and the lordship of whole populations of souls, to use as commodities to do his bidding for more power. Surrounded by, a false sense of security in devices. The subject was brought to attention by the proliferation of the uncontrolled advancement of military technologies developed and produced by his conglomerations, of the military machine consisting of rampant experimentation and manipulation of the hue-man genome in the hope of eliminating illness and decease, and for other military applications.
Which will facilitate a devastating outcome, and will result in the countless lost of souls including his own. at this point the subject was deemed a vital candidate for intervention. Observed activities within the hidden under ground mountain facility, are categorized into individual phases.
* One – genetic graphing and splicing, with synthesis of foreign bio-organic matter to develop a soulless mutation (a xenomorphic humanoid hybrid.)
* Two – the cultivating and training of the entities for survival scenarios, and urban tactical warfare, and subliminal conditioning of primeval instincts.
* Three - The infiltration abduction and replacement of hue-mans into the populous. This increased in these last days, in limited number because of our eliminations.
Through the application of hope into the hue-man intellect as his savior subject is in a state of emotional and mental decay. The subject suffers from extensive stages of developmental dementia, clinical schizophrenia, and dilutions of grander. Coupled with, an unlimited access to moneys, material, and manpower with the hope of carrying out the manipulation of the course of humanity itself. As Mr. Galeton received another daily shot of morphine, he growled to his military men ‘Get my soldiers moving’ as the security protocols where disengaged, Mr. Galeton moved into his safe room, a steel harden bunker with triple redundancy fail-safes, equipped with closed circuit monitoring systems with full facility override and control systems.
As his drug induced euphoria took over his mind again. Mr. Galeton began to order innocents into the training room to observe the wrath of his soulless creations, watching gleefully, and with a morbid sense of enjoyment Mr. Galeton knowing the terrifying proficiency of these things, for he had witnessed it, but with every improvement of the genetic sequencing the hybrids became more lethal. As the doors opened to guide the hybrids into a holding room, more souls were ordered into the killing room, the intervention began, as highly trained military men were reduced to quivering terrified men screaming in horror, in fear for their lives.
At the sight of their strange tormenters, it is at this moment, I appeared within the locked room. The terrified men gazed at my simmering form, with wonder if I were another mutation, sent to join in the killing. As they thought, I extended my six wings, above and raised my hands from beneath them; instantaneously the hybrid creatures died a screeching death. The men too fell to the floor as dead; with the power of what just occurred, still viewing from his safe room Mr. Galeton though he was hallucinating from his dementia, or from his potion of drugs. He blinked, rubbing his eyes staring in disbelief.
Realizing this was no hallucination, he hit the alarm panel, it sounded with a deafening sound, with lights flashed, and armed men ran in all directions. Bars slammed down around the interior walls of the killing room, a precautionary safety measure to contain his many failures. I stepped toward the only door in the windowless room my wings and hands aloft, the bars and door melted as water, flowing down to the floor, the trapped men still weeping saw this, and stood upon their feet to run for their lives, but as they rose to look upon my form, I spoke to their souls, ‘peace be unto your souls, go now, tell no one of this’ their tears where now that of joy!
They thanked me as they ran down to corridor to the exit. Still watching all that was transpiring from his safe room, Mr. Galeton screamed ‘No!’ this can’t be happening! Releasing the fail-safe, the door opened and he hurried down the corridor, as the freed men fled passed him; he yelled ‘get back here!’ As more men fled, for the glorious radiates which now filled the corridor, as a blazing star. Time seemed to slow to a mere trickle with every step; he could feel his drug weakened heart bounding in his ears with fear and disbelief. I stood outside the room, suddenly he fell to the floor grasping his chest, and gasping for breath.
I stepped toward him, he tried to scream, but nothing came, his face was as white as death’s, trembling he whispered from his heart of hearts ‘I don’t want to die, please help me.’ I instantly overshadowed his frail and lifeless form, and spoke to his tormented soul ‘it is not yet your time to go’ but for these whom have made you a whiff of a man; it is they who shall come forth, now! And, ‘Speak” Then Self-loathing spoke through with a pitiful groan, ‘Why should we leave? You’re just going to kill us any way?’ ‘We’re going to go with him, to “that place” to feast on his soul’ ‘O’ how you wished that where true,’ I returned.
Worthlessness spoke up ‘he’s not worth having any way just look at him; he’s of no use to you, why should we give him to you?’ I proclaimed! ‘He is of great worth to the Father; the mountain shook! Behold, I have allowed you to speak for his sake, for him to know of your presence. Then, Despair spoke; crying with a cripplingly cold voice of hollowness. ‘We, we can’t let him go! We, we need him!’ Finally at the end of this Suicide spoke ‘We’ll just kill him, if we can’t have him, then you wont have him either!’ ‘Peace!’ I commanded! ‘You shall not tempt the Lord God’ Lightening struck through the entire mountain, and through the foundation where he laid, the thunder clapped with its deafening presence.
The spirits where gone at the voice of the Almighty! I knelt over his lifeless form, covering him with my wings and my outstretched hands, and spoke unto his soul, ‘be ye whole from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet’ he shielded his face and squinted at me and said; ‘who are you?’ I spoke; ‘Arise, go! Your way is peace from this day forth’ He walked down the corridor to the elevator stepped in, and as he turned he thank me, as tears fell down his face and the door closed, never to open again.
NA’SHER– the flying Eagle North
I am eternal, omnipresent a creature of heavenly origin; I am many names and faces; I am Aree, Shore, Adom, and Na’sher. I am four, and we four are ‘One’. I am super-dimensional; I seek within this earthly realm, west, east, north, south to and fro, throughout time and space, for those souls whom have taken into themselves the “rejected ones”. They are ancient ones of hued in nature. Adherent to those which they were told are “forbidden.” my calling, to bring to origin those who have swayed them from their first estate.
Arrogance, Envy, Haughtiness, Lust
This is a true account of those encounters,
Subject: L. K. Jorge of the north, a diplomat, a man of science, a tactician and strategist, and an experimental test-pilot. Subject is presently, entrenched in covert operations to ignite war with a neighboring country, which will result in the indictment of another country for the incident. Subject suffers from acute narcissism with manic bipolar impulsive delusions of paranoia. Primary induction to psychotropic conditioning by the agency, as tide the subject to an Intellectual escapism that has overtaking his every waking moment, with machine-like precision giving the subject heartless, and emotionally cold ability to kill without remorse.
He has over time acquired an unquenchable lust for killing at close range, so he can witness the departing soul, believing that he takes on its life force. Subject’s convert infiltration as revealed the location of multiple sake houses which led to the exposure of the NOC list endangering operatives throughout the world. Subject displays in-depth application of *‘the knowledge’ which facilitated the subject deemed a vital candidate for intervention. Arriving at the non-existent base, meeting with top brass he confirms nights test objectives, it is a live fire exercise, with advance plasma ejection canons.
The subject climbs aboard an experimental craft and straps himself in, he places the prototype thought controlled helmet on. Then, with mere though he energizes the crafts many systems, one of which is a living anti-gravity propulsion system, other internal systems were controlled by the ectoplasm gloves which where in graphed into his helmet. This is the very craft he intents to incur apocalyptic deviation upon neighboring countries military facilities. Then, with a single vertical maneuver the craft reaches optimum altitude, as he concentrates on the tactical ordinances removing their safety lock, the intervention began;
I appeared just above the nose of the craft keeping with his every maneuver. As he began to rationalize within his highly trained mind, ‘atmosphere control must be malfunctioning’ he concentrated on that system, but I remained. He focused on the tail canon to blast me away, but the energy weapon had no effect on my form, as he began to further contemplate a solution, he climbed higher and higher into the atmosphere until he broke through into space itself. Which is where this craft was intended to fly, it became as fluid as glass transforming itself into a more streamlined form, and began to fly at speeds which prior to its development, where not even theoretically possible.
I remain fixed just above its nose, face to face with the subject. His concentration was so averted; by my fierce gaze that he totally forgot his mission’s objective. I opened all six of my wings and reveled my hands, and the craft froze in an instant, it was motionless, now fixed in an equidistant orbit above the earth like (a dead stick), None of his extensive training could have prepare him for this, he then set his mind to firing the plasma canons again, but, with no avail. Feeling like a bug trapped in a jar, he began talking to me believing I where some advanced intellect trying to apprehend the craft.
I began to expose my heart to his souls, and that instant the spirits within him began to manifest, slowly and cleverly they began to rationalize with his mind trying to convince him that I was a hallucination cause by a bio-toxin introduce into his system by the gloves he wore. I discerned the conservation within himself I spoke audibly to him ‘No, I am real, no, you are not hallucinating’ he laughed, and said: ‘bull your trying seizing my craft’! I returned: ‘My concern is your soul, not the thing you sit in’ he slowly removed the control helmet, and gloves then Arrogance spoke: through him and said: ‘my soul?
Your damn right it’s mine!, what use is it to you? Sorry it’s already taken.’ I reached right through the craft into his tormented soul grasping hold to Arrogance hindering it from speaking; leaving Arrogance to stew in its own inept condition, releasing the mental strong-hold it has had on Mr. Jorge, from his view-point I had not moved. The spirit’s hold was weakened but only nominal; his thoughts began to wean from their usual disciplined rigid ness having Arrogance silenced. Desperation raced through the other spirit having lost the power of Arrogance’s voice. With a smug overtone,
Haughtiness spoke up and as if reminding me ‘you have no right to interfere with the goings on of hue-man kind, he is rightfully owned, to do with as we see fit’ I placed my hands together with a great ominous clap, and then quickly closed my inter-most wings, the craft rolled as a corkscrew and with a blinding flash of my wings, glory pulsed through his the soul, a claim glow filled him, Haughtiness was immediately dumb struck in the presence of the ‘Spirit of Lights,’ With the dominate spirits unable to speak, in his presence Mr. Jorge, for the first time in his life became aware of the condition of his ravaged soul, and that it was not his own to control, it had fallen into the realm of darkness.
He began to weep, it was then that Lust whispered to him: you’re your own man, why listen to him? All of your life you’ve been a man of the world, in no need for any ones help, why start giving in him that’ thing’ now? He began to doubt within himself, comparing his accomplishments to those from whom he had to take his orders. Envy spoke through him: ‘I will be the greatest spy in history, I will finish my mission I will control millions! They will bow at my feet, for their every life! He began to give sway to the words Envy whispered, but only for a moment.
He spoke in his own self, asking ‘my I have my life,’ and I seeing the sincerity of his conviction I returned: ‘Yes!’ again I opened all of my wings, the glory of the Almighty shone through unto his soul, and then ‘The Father’ spoke: ‘As you have received, freely give’ ‘The Word’ rushed through him as an ocean of love vanquishing every spirit which tormented him. He sat in the cockpit and just wept, and for the first time it was for joy, he wept, joy had finally come to his heart, He was made completely whole, and anew. I then gazed at him a new soul pure and clean of any unclean thing, He thanked me from the depth of his joyfully heart,
I returned; ‘It is my honor to serve.’ Then I disappeared, He replaced his helmet and gloves, and with a new purpose he flew as he had never flown before. He purposed in his heart to help those whom he had indented to destroy. He sent an encrypted communiqué to the head of mission Intel informing them of danger of the plan which he had developed, and that the safe house containing the NOC list was in jeopardy. He distended but not from which he came, he instead brought this new technology those with a heart more toward God, he landed in America! Which was the intended target.
June 06, 2006
The mark of the beast is in-fact:
‘The deification of man’
6 (hex-ak-os’-ee-oy) - in actions of man
6 (hex-ay’-kon-tah) - in the mind of man
6 (hex)- in the body of man
Works without spirit, just as the tower of Babel was a work to reach God through works. It is the acceptance of the being of man the highest achievement of all knowledge attainable. It must be received in the mind, (as a mind-set) or in the hand (as a relational association with the evil of human intellect), The worship of ‘Self’.
Gen 11:9
Therefore 5921, 3651 is the name8034 of it called7121 Babel; 894 because3588 the LORD3068 did there8033 confound1101 the language8193 of all3605 the earth: 776 and from thence4480, 8033 did the LORD3068 scatter them abroad6327 upon5921 the face6440 of all3605 the earth.776
It is the computation of man’s abilities in knowledge apart from wisdom; literally it is a man without a spirit ‘a beast’, a construct, and a soulless form. Many learned men have computed the meanings of this mark of the *beast when it is the revelation of the fullness of the arrogance of man’s accumulation of knowledge unto ‘self-worship’, man himself has made himself ‘the god of this world’.
So, God has confused man, so that he will not manifest fourth this mutated image of God to worship, which is what man is trying to do. To bring fourth an image of God in man’s distorted image the worship of self.
The interpretations of prophecies which speak of the ‘mark’, and ‘end-times’ which have been interpreted by carnal understandings of the intellectual mind, and not through the discernment of the Holy Spirit, resulting in a delusional understanding of the God’s message to man.
Leaving man lost in a mixture of half-truths. This is a culmination of intellectual religious traditions and blended with folklore casing the word of God to be of none effect, leaving man unprepared for the coming of the Lord with His reward.
Let us look at some of the most commonly misinterpreted verses of scripture:
1 Th 4:16
For3754 the3588 Lord2962 himself846 shall descend2597 from575 heaven3772 with1722 a shout, 2752 with1722 the voice5456 of the archangel, 743 and2532 with1722 the trump4536 of God: 2316 and2532 the3588 dead3498 in1722 Christ5547 shall rise450 first: 4412
For the Lord in person shall come from the hearts of His sons (heaven - the abode of God i.e. from our heart) for every ‘eye’ (the eye of the spirit is single) shall see Him, (not eyes, not from the sky, nor from satellites orbiting the Earth as is so taught in this technological age), He presences in us is the ‘catching-up’ which is spoken of in the Word, will take by force all evil from the soul of man, not man from the Earth, by His glory.
Joh 17:15
I pray2065 not3756 that2443 thou shouldest take142 them846 out of 1537 the3588 world, 2889 but235 that2443 thou shouldest keep5083 them846 from1537 the3588 evil.4190
He comes from within His people (the abode of God) Have we not asked Him to make up His abode in our hearts? He himself is our reward, which He has promised. In this unity the sons shall speak with ‘one voice’ with a ‘shout of victory’, which is the trump of God.
2Th 1:10
When3752 he shall come2064 to be glorified1740 in1722 his848 saints, 40 and2532 to be admired2296 in1722 all3956 them that believe4100 (because3754 our2257 testimony3142 among1909 you5209 was believed) 4100 in1722 that1565 day.2250
Gal 4:19
My3450 little children, 5040 of whom3739 I travail in birth5605 again3825 until891 Christ (5547) be formed3445 in1722 you, 5213
Eph 1:18
The3588 eyes3788 of your5216 understanding1271 being enlightened; 5461 that ye5209 may know1492 what5101 is2076 the3588 hope1680 of his846 calling, 2821 and2532 what5101 the3588 riches4149 of the3588 glory1391 of his846 inheritance2817 in1722 the3588 saints, 40
No longer shall we be apart from Him. Man will no longer walk in the mixture of ‘the knowledge of good and evil’, but only in the knowledge of God alone!
1 Th 4:17
Then1899 we2249 which are alive2198 and remain4035 shall be caught up726 together260 with4862 them846 in1722 the clouds3507 to meet1519, 529 the3588 Lord2962 in1519 the air: 109 and2532 so3779 shall we ever3842 be2071 with4862 the Lord.2962
We who are ‘alive’ (those who are joined in spirit,) ‘remain’ (who ‘stand’ true to the Holy Spirit, fixed, unshaken by traditions of men) shall be ‘caught-up’ (to be brought up into the high level of communion in the Spirit) together with them in the ‘clouds’ here is a conformation of the discernment of the term: ‘clouds’
Jud 1:12 These 3778 are1526 spots4694 in1722 your5216 feasts of charity, 26 when they feast with4910 you, 5213 feeding4165 themselves1438 without fear: 870 clouds3507 they are without water, 504 carried about4064 of5259 winds; 417 trees1186 whose fruit withereth, 5352
‘Clouds with water’, (with spirit) and there are ‘clouds without water’- (without spirit). Who are carried about of winds (unstable, unclean spirits) also known as trees with withered fruit, (without discernment). These are they who seek to further the worship of man as God, coveting the fruit of others, weather they are passed or live.
*A wild, or dangerous, or venomous animal.
May 20, 2006
The intended influential nature , which is called ‘evil'
Beyond the natural, are thinly veiled but perceivable realities, where the monumental events of beings of awe, and wonder do express themselves! Creatures obscured of unbelievable nature, a ‘super-natural nature’ observing, influencing and intervening into the very fabric of the natural world. Guiding the course of man’s nature to, a being which knows the nature of the unseen i.e. ‘The Super -Natural’- 'the super position of spirit from all living things' where the only source of infinite power and understanding of all that is,is. Within the Super-verse, is teeming with all of its multi-layered pan-dimensional realities of Life.
The intended influential nature of that, which is called ‘evil’, is by design, pervasive throughout the formation of the ‘natural hu-man psyche’, where an ‘inherent void’ is formed in its genesis, which must be nurtured and reared within the confines of the natural laws, to its eventual transcendent maturity. Therefore without the necessary ability to comprehend what is occurring within the mind, man responds in the only way he could, with fear, doubt, ‘confusion’, and dismay.
Fearing that which he did not understand through any prior exposure. The traducer through those inherent qualities of the hu-man psyche i.e. consciousness, intention, and emotion became reactionary in its relationship to the truth, therefore twisting it to be conform to the now perceived natural laws, which caused the man to question his very origin, and validity, therefore questioning the very foundation upon which he was formed and instructed.
He then began to believe in the twisting of the super natural laws, into natural, which prior, he had been eternally accustomed, as he experiences the natural laws, they began to debase him into a lowly carnal creature, and then from that point on, the hu-man physic began to relate to his environment through this newly gestated evil of fear, and doubt. At this onset in this dulled and unfamiliar environment, he began to function as a physical being, disregarding his super-natural origin, conversely behaving ‘as’ a mere hu-man creature.
As the indulgences of his hu-man desire began overwhelmed his super-nature, bit-by-bit, and now day-by-day, until he will subsequently loose the ability to converse with the super-natural, all together. From then on he has become the self-determinating factor within his natural plane, he suspends it by the acceptance of the substances of low energies i.e. particulate and wave, being his interpretive interaction.
Which causes him to process his surrounding environment as being reality, when it is a perception of fear through what he now sees as reality. Thereby building for his mind ‘a cognitive prison’ which is so believably strong that there are no means by which he can break free from it with his adherence to his acceptance of natural surroundings.
The Rev.
May 09, 2006
The Eye of the Frog

The Eye of the Frog, science tells us the frog has a focused range of sight. Though it is extremely limited, but very detailed is in its over-all range of vision. It only focuses on one thing at time. Thereby it is extremely vulnerable, and it can not defend itself from behind, especially when gorging it self, so it must have a very adaptive skin, to ward off potential predators, they breathe through it, they constantly shed it, and even produce toxins with it.
The frog is a very difficult animal to befriend, it is constantly on the move in pursuit of prey, and is know at times even to eat their own, all others in the animal kingdom know of its dangerously anti-social behavior and defer form crossing paths with it. It will sit on one place until all environmental resources are consumed; it defecates, and drinks from the same water source. It will even eat until it bursts.
Throughout life’s journey we have all come across ‘frogs’ who have very limited views of life, and how it came to be. Their focus is on only one or two points which they base their entire view of life on, and because they do not have the ability to defend themselves through conversation, because of their limited views, and that they are constantly gorging they selves to fill their enormous egos. They develop a very toxic nature repelling anyone whom they consider a threat to their view of life.
If one tries to develop a relationship, or touch them they will secrete an offensive and often deadly barrier between themselves and those who try to touch them. They have no restraint even when it comes to procreation of their views; they will pile-on in order to intimidate as many others as possible.
They will over-take an area until all others are as they are, or until they run them out of their resource. How many frogs do you know?
May 07, 2006
The Seen Universe
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It is the unmistakable truth within this video that is meant to be retained, and not the religious dogma within it. Please do not judge the whole of its content by a small amount of religious content.
April 09, 2006
SEPTEMBER 11: Evidence to the Contrary REDUX 2006
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"It is my heart-felt desire to stand-up for those who were lost on 9/11.
And that this video may move you as you watch, to reopen the 9/11 investigation."