December 28, 2004

“The Cup of Thee, “O’ Smitten God”

“The Cup of Thee, “O’ Smitten God”
“On high doeth mine spirit draw nigh”
Or' so to grasp all thine immortal sky
Aloft into all hearts, do I reside
Away do all things, I abide
With weft of soul, so
Within thine gaze,
I am raised, so do
“I cried,”
“I cried”
“I unto thee”
“I cried as, I Died”
“O’ unto thee, “I cry”
“Father, into thy hands”
“I commend my spirit!”
“I proclaim, for all to hear”
In Heaven! In Earth!
“Far and near”
“It is finish!”
I descend down now,
Darkened depths do abound
Doomed you thought my soul
To be, but I came to do unto thee, O’ death that which you came to do to me. Now, I come to Rule and Reign! Forever more! And now there shall be no more pain for thee! Rev. J.G.S

December 25, 2004

In Enoch Shoes (A Christian Allegory)

I found myself a float in absolute pitch blackness, upright and on my feet, and being unable to see anything but the faint outline of what looked like flat floating stones, on which I was standing. Then, I saw a stone just a step’s distance in front of me. I could not see what they were made of. So I reluctantly reached out in the darkness, for some point of reference for my mind to grasp on to. Then, I felt fear welling up in me, and as I did, the stones begin to fade away beneath me.

And I felt my soul falling deeper into the darkness. Then, I really began to feel the rush of fear overwhelm me, welling up even into my throat. Then, I heard a voice inside soft, tender and clear say to my heart “O’ ye, of little faith!” That is why you fail, because you doubt what you are made of, and you forsake what is in you." These words calmed me, and joy filled me, I began to breathe. As I continued to have faith within myself, the stones began to strengthen again beneath me. Then I began to feel as if I were traveling faster than anything I ever could ever imagine, with each step. It was as if I were traveling by thought itself. But in this pitch I could not say, having to point of reference.

And then a small glimmering point of light began to come into focus, from what seemed to be very far away. My heart raced with the seeing of this light. And just as I placed my thought on the light, I was there before it. It began to swell in size, before my eyes and as I approached, it began to take on the qualities of what I believed to be a back hole, but made of light. Swirling with a deafening vibration, which I began to resonate within my soul. I began to be in sink with the pulse of the energies of this giant swirling mass of amines love, joy and light.

Then I could see great flashes of detail in what the light exposed, as it slung out its light across the vastness of this place. Then, I began to see what looked like creatures, beings of what I could only describe as, a higher estate then I, flying about with great speed . But, then to my astonishment the arms of light, which the mass was slinging out into the vastness, were in fact these beings flying with great speed into the darkness, as lightening.

And as they went they devoured the darkness, overcoming it with joy, and love, as they went to and fro, they turned again and brought their content of light to the great swirling mass, and it was consumed. All that I witnessed took place in the splitting of a second. Then I began to see within my own soul, and low! I to began to devour the darkness around me, and as I took hold of the darkness around me, I knew that it was “alive”, and it whaled in torment, to be free of its pain of the darkness and as I came to the mass, it began to glow with an inner warmth, and peace. Then I knew these where souls trapped within the darkness.

As I loosed it to the mass, it somehow gave me thanks for bringing it to the Light. Joy flowed from it, as it became one with the mass. The stones on which I was walking, where gone, and I too was flying with great speed with the energy of this giant mass of beings of love, and light. And with the greater speed I traveled, the brighter and more powerful I became, I began to hear a chorus of familiar voices speaking within me with love, joy, and kindness in unimaginable volumes.

Through their voices I knew all the mysteries of my life in perfect synchronicity, and harmony. I instantly knew that all of my trials, and sorrow in my life had created what I thought to be voids. But now, I knew that they were allowed by this mass of love, and energy, so to fill all those places in my soul with this great light of love. But now, I know that the voids where in fact very special places held in reserve, to be filled with all that this energy was now imparting to me. With great flashings of souls.

They filled my soul, endless in number, and all of them I knew totally! Then, I knew that these are the voices, which continually spoke to my soul, in this place, and as they spoke, I focused in on one voice in particular; it was the most beautiful voice ever heard, it softly began to rise above the others in clarity, as it resounded throughout the whole of this firmament.The voice began to tell of my place of authority herein, and what I was to do here.

And, as the voice laid it all out from beginning to end, or what seemed to be the end, the voice paused as to let me take it all in. With each word I felt imines waves of love, joy, and power, flowing through ever part of me. The words wrapped themselves around me, with a belonging, and a love in awesome authority, the mass of swirling beings began to focus all of their heart upon me and, they spoke a chorus of abilities unto me and, I began to be transformed by their resounding power within their words.

It was as if I were being created anew, a creature of limitless love, kindness, mercy, power and authority. I knew that I could create with the utterance of a single word, or with a single thought. And, as this transformation took place, the voice above all of the others spoke: unto me. “These beings are they to whom you have imparted your gifts of love to in your life, and now they have cherished , and sown it, and have gained an increase, which I now give unto you, to posses.” Again, flashes of lightening filled my soul, with joy, and love as I saw all of the beings imparting to me increases of what I could only compare to, as an ever-growing spirit of love, within the light which enveloped me, increased exponentially beyond measure.

Every living thing was found to be part of me! Fowl, fishes, very creeping thing, things seen, and unseen where all adjoined within me, and I in them. I began to breathe in what I knew to be a “super-verse,” of abilities, but more than that! "There is so much more than that!" “Alive!” And pulsating with love. "An unimaginable presence!" “It is! All that is!” It is “One!” Again its voice rose up above all others in me, and said: “You are all, that you are!” “And, Now! You know even as you are known! And, now you are known, as “I AM is known.”

And through the speaking, of these words opened an expanse of universes innumerable and endless, limitless vistas intertwined existences simultaneously within me. Then I moved throughout the entire “super-verse”simultaneously creating, and imparting as I was imparted too. The One spoke unto me again, “As you have freely received, freely give!” To all those who have bore witness of my presence! With each, and every transformation of a soul, entering into the Spirit of the One, the creation re-births again anew exponentially, in a never-ending cycle of creation throughout Eternity.

The One’s voice proclaimed! “As it is from the beginning so also it is, even so, Amen!” Now, I am found on high, beyond all former transientness, enter-woven into the very being of the heavens, itself. I hear, and I am its resounding sound, living, and everyone I have ever known and loved are about me, and through me, and in me. Coursing through my soul beyond measure. They are I, and I am they, in one, joined, and separate individuals, but yet not! I am without end, without faltering. I am radiant from within throughout all Eternities spanned, and I am clothed with multitudes of glories, pulsing with enumerable, trillions of manifest glories unto glories eternal, as flaming crowns encircling head to toe, filled with every energy, ever renewed.

Life fills my soul with all that is, all love, and joy with all knowledge, even unto an endless and on going fullness of the voice of the One Himself! I AM an individual of multitudes; a voice of many waters, of no separations, I AM ever expansive, my reach is without limit and endless throughout all dimensions. My voice is all the voices of eternity clearly heard throughout all the heavens, proclaiming the glory of Victory! Over transientness, unto the freedom of being as it is in the beginning, Beginning to End! united in One.

I wink, and the heavens yield their truths; every resounding word is a sweet and tender voice within me. Love ever pulsating, speaking life giving love unto all things! Reveled, are all inner hidden treasures, of the souls in heaven, newly born to glories Eternal, as a newborn babe learning of the world around him? Wonderments ablaze with life and pure freedom course through every living being indelibly joined in the spirit the One True God. “As I AM so also are ye, in this world!”
Rev. J.G.S.

December 20, 2004

“The Worth of a Man”

What this Man is really worth!
Is set in struggle, from his birth.
Throughout the span of shortened dearth,
so longing to gain a sense of worth.
Told, by those gathered round,
"Its in his hands,"
where “worth” is found.” Wearied,
by those who measured his task.
So, now his strength does fail to last.
For if to look within this Man.
Is to know it's not his hand,
whereby we know the worth of this Man,
But, by the gift,
so given for him to have
this Man forgiven of sin.
From the one whom “worth” is given.
As if he where the only Man living.

Rev. J.G.S.

©2004 Joseph Gregory Steadman

December 19, 2004

"A slothful creep of night"

As a slothful creep of night, slowly gutters through the soul of this little town. A foul funk sweeps through the darkness of the trees of the valley. And with it comes a loathsome evil of ageless end. As eager kin do longingly terry in the pitch of night, for an end of such horrors. Continues on, are the words of lore from the downward ages, which fuels the stirring of this most dreadful woe. It is said: ‘Overlord’ comes by sway, by gain of the weak to sow the tide of rage, giving form which to drain life from all in whom faith dwells. Through the work of subtlety, in those whom we love, to the disfigurement of heart felt desires to the point of obsession, then to possession. Ergo, to the swaying of the spirit, from its origin. Rev. J.G.S.

December 18, 2004

“Beating your head against the Rock”

Enveloped deep within the crevasse of a cold and dark mountain cave, stumbles a very weary worn, and tattered eaglet, struggling to find a safe place for which to molt. The helpless, immature and undeveloped fowl instinctively knows that if it is to survive, it must search out a smooth and flat-faced rock of sufficient density, to beat its head on.

In order to break open the thick and crusting hide of its fledgling body. And, if it is not properly hidden from predators, it will be devoured before its birth into maturity arrives. Now, that this body’s skin has reached the end of this stage of development, and is tightening around its muscles and slowly chocking the life out of it. And it will not continue to live if it does not grow out of it. For this insufficient skin cannot form the mature feather with which it must have to fly above all other flow of the earth.

And with the breaking of this outer hide causes the blood to flow out of its head. And as the blood flows, it blinds the flow to the outside world. Now, alone in the dark it must use all of its God-given strength to remove this old hide that it keeping it from its full ability to soar. The blood softens the crust around the mouth, and eyes and can now be scraped off by the same rock which it has beaten its head against, for what would seem to be a life time.

For three days it hides in the darkness of the world, falling on the rock to remove this dead skin from its body. It is defenseless from any attackers that would happen upon it; therefore it must act in a way unbecoming of an Eagle it must humble itself, and hide from the sunlight. But at the end of this endless ordeal, emerges strengthened and renew and in its new body of maturity in which it now Soars!
The Rev. J.G.S.

December 15, 2004


Bewilderments replete with fakeries, and make-believe adorned as garments.
To shroud the conflicts of wonder and dread, within the soul, which gives to a “transient image” of this life, and it is to that image, which all whom walk therein shall succumb.
Constructs of vagaries and half-truth, wherein lie they who sway those of singular soul, through the observances of appearances and vanities, to falter them from the source.
To sustain this image hued by mixture, with sublime intravenous influence of superfluous weights upon the soul, and by the observance of mere form and matter, and to the reverence thereof.
To indulgence over the truly substantial, and eternal.
Without intervention of the pure soul into the hued soul, there shall be no direct path back for matter to the eternal source.
To gain, and to complete the only way back, is to unravel the unbalancing of the weight of “transient dilution”, in the soul, and to regain that manifested, through these words …
“I Believe” in Me, as He, God believes in Me.
Rev. J.G.S.

December 14, 2004


I dedicate these words to my loving Wife, and family: I pray, to the Father for all of those who read these words, and that they understand the purpose for their lives, As they find themselves, and their true identity in Christ through these words, I thank the Father for all those whom, never gave up on their friendship, and brotherhood with me, Amen…

In this last hour, there is a grievous crisis within the body of Christ. A great dependence on the traditions and denominations of men has befallen it. The teachings of men have brought confusion to the body of Christ. God’s people have been lulled into believing that the greater the emotional draw, and ‘entertainment flare’ equals a closer the walk with God. Believing that the greater the number of members is proof of the greater the walk with God. Steering the church into an emotional dependency in man, and not a spiritual dependency in God. Making the church powerless, and unable to find her place of authority in the Kingdom of God.

The church holds these teachings as Gospel, and therefore not searching out the Word to find the truth, personally. The church has become dull of hearing. Not knowing, the voice of the Holy Spirit in their personal lives. The denominationalism of the church has kept Man in his spiritual infancy. This has cause Man to take on a religious nature. The carnal mind, and the souls of men have been given power over the people. Through conflict and strife the church, has built impassable walls. Even to the point of hatred, and envy between denominations. Because of this God has hidden this word, for The Sons to discover. For this purpose, I began to hear the voice of God, but at the time I did not, fully understand what God was showing me. I have throughout my walk been given insight into God’s Word through spiritual discernment, and the power of His spoken word, and symbolism.

Through the mind of Christ, working in me. “I pray that Lord of Hosts lead you as you read these words”. ‘Let this mind be in you’ which is in Christ Jesus. I have been given, to see man’s manipulation through the translations of the Word. And, that it is imperative to those who are ‘the called’ according to His purpose; ‘the Sons of God’… know the truth of the Word in this hour. This is the beginning of the revelation into the “mysteries” of the Word… I would let it be known that I do not hold any of these truths of myself, nor do I exalt myself of anything. But I digress, All Praise and the Glory be unto Him, who sits on the throne. ‘The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords’, Amen… Let us begin, by setting some foundational truths, and understandings in Genesis. First, God has created Man, a spiritual creature, first, and then a physical form, second. The physical formation of man comes through the working of the fall, later, much later in his walk with God.

As a result of Mans encounter with the mixture of “good and evil”, Man began to indulge himself in rational thought, through the carnal mind. And this being new to Man, and being unprepared, because of doubt, he began to look at God’s creation through the eyes of limitations, and want. He began to see through the mind of fear, and doubt. In this new realm the Man hide himself. *Gen 3:9 And Jehovah God calleth unto the man, and saith to him, `Where art thou?' *Gen 3:10 and he saith, `Thy sound I have heard in the garden, and I am afraid, for I am naked, and I hide myself.' *Gen 3:11 And He saith, `Who hath declared to thee that thou art naked? Of the tree of which I have commanded thee not to eat, hast thou eaten?' We have for thousands of years hide among the “trees of men”. Here our Father asks, Adom ‘who has told you were naked?’ And the answer is, his carnal mind, twisted through satan ‘the traducer’. Through the weighing of good and evil through ‘reason’ Man began to believe a lie, through the twisting of the truth.

*Gen 3:5 for God doth know that in the day of your eating of it--your eyes have been opened, and ye have been as God, knowing good and evil.' Man had began to except his carnal, and physical world as reality, and not just a part of the sleep under which God had placed him, to form him, and to perfect his soul-‘Eve’. God seeing the Man had partaken of ‘the knowledge’ of good and evil, God formed Man with all of the necessary senses, to walk out this process, of knowing good and evil in this physical world. God clothed the man with skins (not the skins of beasts), but the enclosure in which we now walk. This is the formation of Man into a physical body. This is “The Fall of Man”. This ‘makes man’ flesh, as a result of the fall into the mixture. Man is now a Hued-Man, or as we know it ‘Human’.

This is literally a mixed-up Man, because Man cannot see the plan of God from within the fall. These are two distinctly different events in Man’s walk with his Creator. First, that which is spiritual, timeless, and boundless, and then that which is natural, flesh, limited, measured, and counted. Man is an eternal being, as is his Father, God. This is the process, which God has chosen to complete Man, to know the fullness of good and evil, which brings man to the understanding of the great gift, which God has given unto man through the working of the cross. This must be the beginning, of understanding, and that Man is on the path of perfection, even today. Walking through good and evil within the garden of man’s spirit. Man is beginning to see the fullness of his relationship with his Father.

Through, man’s struggle to return to the Father, without spot or blemish. Perfected! Knowing this is the very fabric of God’s Word, and Man’s true understanding of it. For it is the pleasure of the King to hide a mystery, and the honor of the ‘sons’ to revel unto the World. In Genesis Chapter 1:1. From the very beginning God has set Man’s place within His Creation, to set first Heaven ‘Man’s –spirit’, and then his Earth-‘soul’. Man is the instrument in His hand, in every part of God’s creation, from the very beginning. Man lived within the Father in Eternity in a timeless state of perfection, for countless eons before the fall. This is why *Gen 1:26 And God saith, `Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, and let them rule over fish of the sea, and over fowl of the heavens, and over cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that is creeping on the earth.'

*Gen 1:27 And God prepareth the man in His image; in the image of God He prepared him, a male and a female He prepared them. God prepared Man ‘male and female’ in one being in Himself. Let Us – translated Elohym, which is ‘Gods’ plural- ‘the Father and His sons’ “Alpha and Omega” “ The First Adom, and the Last Adom” are making- ‘forming’ a body in which to express Himself in His own image. As the woman creates a child inside her womb, God creates through man’s womb ‘Eve- the soul, the church’. *Gen 1:28 And God blesseth them, and God saith to them, `Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over fish of the sea, and over fowl of the heavens, and over every living thing that is creeping upon the earth.’ Truly this World is at the pinnacle of evil in this last day.

We are so ready to blame satan ‘the traducer’ - for all mans ills. Jesus, from the foundation of the world ‘is’ slain, and that gift has set man again, as rightful owner of this world, not satan. Making a shame of him openly, by the cross. To further compress this point,’ God’s asks JOB ‘where were you when, “I”! ‘The masculine identity of God’, which also is the spirit of- man, when the stars of heaven sang together’? The answer to this is certainty that JOB was in God when the stars sang together. Let us now understand that this is, in “the beginning” of the creation, and that it is present tense and continuing, and not passed tense. God’s works are not governed by time, nor should we be. Also, God is the being of eternity, as are we. God has “set” (as a jeweler sets a stone in it’s crown)“Man” as the rightful heir of all things.

Let us now look again to this ‘first Adam’. “Adam” therefore this is not the first Adam’s name, but it is translated Adom “red, as in the first blood of God”. The Father, named him the man… “The Light Bearer”, *1966 in the Strongs Concordance which is translated “The Morning Star”, and that he is “ The Covering Cherub” which covers the World. He is charged to protect, groom, and to keep it, and to have dominion over it. The first Adom, ‘remember that which is first is last and that which is last is first’. The twain made “ONE” so making peace. The Alpha and Omega is the instrument through which God manifested Light to all His creation. Let us take in depth look at the man that God is making. First and foremost he is a creature of Light, possessing all understanding of good, in righteousness. Full of knowledge, and wisdom.

Remember that man named all life on the planet without flaw or blemish “perfect in beauty”. Knowing all, seeing all, possessing all ability, and that he is perfect in beauty, He is surly a true reflection of his Father, in every since of good. But now in* Gen 2:17 “and of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou dost not eat of it”, for in the day of thine eating of it—(in) dying thou dost die, note this is present tense and continuing. And now we see a great gulf formed between the man and his Creator, a lack of balance within the soul of man. Having no experience, of the order of creation. Man could not know the great gift, which God had given him. The gift of ‘Eternal Life’, life without pain, suffering, or any such corruption or death. Man has no understanding by comparison, of good without evil.

This creature is only half-perfected, only half-complete. Void of any understanding of evil, which is the balance within the content of creation. Thus, the man took into himself a mixture; of the “knowledge of” good and evil, and to that end came ‘The Fall” through the will of the Father. * Rom 8:20 ‘for to vanity was the creation made subject--not of its will, but because of Him who did subject it --in hope’, Now, this is the stage of Gods completion of man in the fullness of his glory in this last day. Through the fall came the introduction of evil into the “soul-Eve of man”, by the work of the traducer. Let it be know that we, ‘the sons of God’ are still within the Garden of Eden, but fallen, or as it is know the Hued.

This opened man to the carnal realm of thought, and reason to walk in. The soul of man began to consider what had been spoken to him by the serpent, Gen 3:5 for God doth know that in the day of your eating of it--your eyes have been opened, and ye have been as God, knowing good and evil.' ‘ Ye have been as God’ which is the truth. They truly are in many ways like God. Eternal, powerful, full of knowledge, and ability. We see man has been subjected to vanity, to complete him, to make him in God’s image, knowing both good and evil. God would not have asked Adom to subdue and have dominion over the whole world if Adom did not have the ability to do it. In this last day, we see many things hindering Man in his walk with God.

In Rev 12:3 ‘And there was seen another sign in the heaven’, and, lo, a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his head seven diadems, Rev 12:4 and his tail doth draw the third of the stars of the heaven, and he did cast them to the earth; and the dragon did stand before the woman who is about to bring forth, that when she may bring forth, her child he may devour; The third of the stars which the dragon cast down, are those who followed the first Adom in the partaking of the fruit of ‘the tree of good and evil’. Let it be proclaimed there are those who did not to follow ‘the first Adom’. These are ‘the called’, ‘the Sons of God’. They did not hide from God as first Adom did, but did ask forgiveness for their sin, and where redeemed from ‘the fall’.

Not being cast out of heaven as ‘the first Adom’ is. Man by design is the ruler of this world, given to him by his Father. Once forfeited, to satan by the ‘first Adom’. This is why God had to become a Man to redeem the earth back to Man, by the ‘Last Adom’. He now, has redeemed all back to Man, by Jesus Christ. This was fulfilled when Jesus when in to hell, and took the keys of death, hell, and the grave, from satan. Thus, the Vail of the Temple is rent in twain, from top to bottom which only God could do, to allow the first Adom back into heaven. This speaks of the offspring of ‘the Last Adom’ The Man-child of Revelation 12:13 through this revelation we now see that God has given man a hand in all of his creation, to bring it into perfection.

This sets man in the place of authority a rule, and that Man bears responsibility for the present condition of this world. To know this is to know who, and what we are in Him, through growth and enlightenment in the presence, and guidance of the Holy Spirit. This in knowing the order of creation from glory to glory, and that through the knowing the fullness of Him, within us. We will begin, within the soul of the rejuvenated, by placing the heart in the realm of His presence, which is where He is given place to reign. And, being able to listen to His voice, the still small voice within. To be set in this place means to be shaken to your very core, spirit, soul, and body. Through the observing of the cycle of this placing in our natural lives “by living through lying vanities”, and what are the things which Man observes?

They are those things, which pull us away from our center, “our origin”, our beginning. That we have in us, as stated in the Word, Man was, and has always have been with God in every aspect of the creation, from beginning to end of this natural realm and beyond. We through these underlying truths, have always known this in our spirit, that it is He in us, and we in Him, for without Him was “nothing” made that was, and is made. We are irremovable from Him, as He is from us. It is the purpose of this natural realm to bring Mankind to the knowledge of that entire God, the Father, which has given unto them who are the called unto His purpose. It is the heart of the Father to bring His sons to an awareness of what goes on around them, and why. And how it is the Spirit within which guides them into all realms of Life, beyond this natural plane.

Now, preceding through this seeming unregenerate state that Man is now succumbed too the knowledge of failure, and lack, which he had never known or experienced before. For now with every thought, he will now discover doubt within himself, in every task, and in every thought, which he encounters. With the constant nagging of his carnivorous mind, in wanting, and demanding more, and more from his newly unfolding lusts! To the point of utter rage, and arrogance. He is becoming aware of his natural abilities through which he can now walk out of the spiritual realm, from which He was created, and away from his imaged control of God. Man himself has been made aware of the carnivorous mind, and that it now can be controlled by the knowledge of evil, which is presented through him, by satan.

Which is the every thing that the serpent uses to speak to Man, through his soul (Eve) feeding his carnivorous desires with all the base things of this natural realm, which He had never before encountered. Man now has through his own mind become a “god” having a traduced sense of right and good, and wrong, and evil. The serpent has twisted; every thought through this newly formed process of (self) reasoning. Thou hast said in thine heart “I will” (the act of self awareness), the effect of which is now seemingly to be apart from God’s presence. Before, Man did as God instructed him without question, until God placed Man in the final stage of maturity through the encrypting of the knowledge of evil into Man’s consciousness ‘desires’. Although there were no outward manifestations of what Man had encountered through this hewing knowledge of evil.

This change is reveled though what God had asked the Man in the Garden “Where are you Adom?” God reveled to Man through Man’s own words, that something had changed within the Man, to now believe that he was naked. God asked,” who told you, you were naked”? God had not lost Man, nor had Man’s outward appearance changed. But now because of Man’s hued state it was now impossible for Man to remain in the glory of the Garden of God “The Holiest of all”. Therefore the Man must by reason of his now hued, limited, and tainted state, be removed from the purity of the Garden. Now, Man is to miss “the mark”, in all that he does, he will now suffer loss, and lack, in every thing which dwells here in this natural plane. To know nothing save Him crucified.

So that through all this Man will know that “all is vanity, and vexation of spirit” (within this hued state) sayeth the Lord. Only through the suffering of evil can Mankind know that “the observing of lying vanities will he forsake his own mercy”. Now, that the Man is under the influence of vanity, “not willingly, but by reason of Him who subjected the same “in hope”. And now subjected, to bring forth the New Man (the inward Man of the heart) within this earthen vessel. These are to manifest, to bring “all of Mankind” into the rest of God the Father. Now that Man is no longer under the slavery of sin (the missing of the mark) of the prize of the high calling, but that we are now in Christ Jesus.

To know this is to know who, and what we are in Him, through growth and enlightenment in the presence, and guidance of the Holy Spirit. This in knowing the order of creation from glory to glory, and that through the knowing the fullness of Him, within us. We will begin, within the soul of the rejuvenated, by placing the heart in the realm of His presence, which is where He is given place to reign. And, being able to listen to His voice, the still small voice within. To be set in this place means to be shaken to your very core, spirit, soul, and body. Through the observing of the cycle of this placing in our natural lives “by living through lying vanities”, and what are the things which Man observes?

They are those things, which pull us away from our center, “our origin”, our beginning. That we have in us, as stated in the Word, Man was, and has always have been with God in every aspect of the creation, from beginning to end of this natural realm and beyond. We through these underlying truths, have always known this in our spirit, that it is He in us, and we in Him, for without Him was “nothing” made that was, and is made. We are irremovable from Him, as He is from us. It is the purpose of this natural realm to bring Mankind to the knowledge of that entire God, the Father, which has given unto them who are the called unto His purpose.

It is the heart of the Father to bring His sons to an awareness of what goes on around them, and why. And how it is the Spirit within which guides them into all realms of Life, beyond this natural plane.